
时间:2024-01-22 15:01:17



英文版求职信 篇1

I sincerely thank you for reading this cover letter in your busy business. Here is a warm and sincere heart that is eager for your understanding, support and help. Please allow me to recommend myself to you.

My name is XXX. I graduated from XX department of XX university.

During the four years of study, I knew the importance of theoretical knowledge and practical ability, so I tried to system of learning the computer network related theory knowledge and professional courses, specialized operation, excellen ……此处隐藏2391个字……lated software, and independent making their own personal homepage . Animation, I have a very LAN build familiar with, I believe I for the expensive unit of the construction of the digital information service platform to make their contribution.

Knowledge in the unceasing renewal, the pursuit of knowledge is always my life creed. I believe that your units need of, it is complex, creative talents, and I, is unswervingly to this direction diligently.

The unit of choose and employ persons respect leadership, I set out to do into society, to meet the challenges of the full preparation. Believe in your support, I and your leadership as well as units of dahua group the sea, brave the wind and waves will sometimes!


